Blood Queen (Ruled by Blood Book 3) Page 13
"Thank god," I said, pleased to see that there was still time left in the night. I didn't want the vampires being caught in their beds. "Help me."
"Nina? What are you doing down there?" I recognized the wolf—Irene—and she was looking down at me with confusion in her eyes.
"Conall went crazy. He accused me of cheating on him—never mind that I was never dating him—and threw me in here. There's a whole lot more to the story, but I really don't want to tell it twice, and I need to tell everyone. Can you help me out of here?"
"Of course," she said, reaching her hand down. I jumped up and gripped her forearm. Her fingers tightened around my wrist, and she pulled me up and out of the pit.
"Thanks for getting me out," I said. "I know you all don't think much of me."
"Actually, I've been hearing some things about you. You're protecting people, not just taking out targets like the rest of us."
I shrugged. "Yeah, well. I found people who accepted me."
She looked a little sad. "I'm sorry we couldn't do that for you. It was scary."
"I know. It's okay. I understand. You don't have anything to be sorry for. You had reason to be afraid of me. But I'm better than I was when I started. I've never lost control like that again."
She nodded. "I know. You always prided yourself on how controlled you could be. We probably should have realized you were trying to make up for…that."
She was referring to the first assignment Conall had given me. I'd tried to kill a vampire, but I'd locked onto a wolf's biorhythm instead—she'd been right beside me and the vampire—and I had been too new at it to tell the difference. Truth be told, I hadn’t been ready to be sent out on assignment, but no one said no to Conall.
Well, they didn't then. I did now, and look where it had gotten me.
"Come on, there's no time for this. We've got to get everyone together," I said.
We ran around the compound, calling the wolves together, telling them to head to the entry hall where we could all talk. It took precious minutes, but at last when I sent my magic out into the compound, I didn't sense anyone outside the hall. I turned and walked back to it and took a deep breath as I entered.
The wolves were all staring at me, waiting. Some of them looked patient, some of them anxious, and some suspicious.
"I know you all never trusted me, and I don't blame you for that. First, I want you to know that I never meant to hurt anyone, and that I would never hurt any of you. I'm here today to tell you something awful, and something that gives me a bit of hope. So bad news first. Conall has been taking wolves and turning them into hybrids, to create an army for him to play out his revenge against the vampires. Doing this tortures the wolves. They can't speak at all, and there's pain inside of them. I know, because I spoke to one of them—sort of, mentally. But it gets worse. He pushes them to go out and kill vampires, and if they don't do it fast enough or to his satisfaction, he pushes a sort of bloodlust inside of them, which drives them insane. They go rabid, unable to think ever again. And when he does that, it makes them kill anyone around them. Humans. He's killing humans."
Shocked shouts erupted throughout the hall.
"Please, settle down!"
"What can we do?" Irene took a step forward. "This can't be allowed to continue. Our purpose is to protect the humans. That was why we became hunters."
"Yes, but…well, it gets more complicated. See, the vampires…they aren't the monsters we've been led to believe they are. There are bad ones and good ones, and for the most part I think we've been sent out to kill the bad ones, but I honestly don't know if Conall fabricated any of their crimes. But I've met with the vampires, and they've offered peace to my people. My people have been set free by the vampires. Do you honestly think the monsters we've grown up believing in would do something like that?"
Several heads shook from side to side, and anxious murmurs broke out.
"I know that I can broker a peace between you and the vampires as well. They want a world where we can all live side by side—I know this because I've already talked about you to them. All I need is for you to be willing to give them the same chance. You need to want the peace as much as they do, or it'll never work. Because I've fought these hybrids, guys, and I can tell you that neither you nor the vampires can take them down on your own. We have to work together on this."
"We can't work with vampires," one of the wolves shouted. He stepped forward a second later, and I recognized him; Henry. "They're our enemy."
"Because of an age-old war that was probably orchestrated by people long dead. Do you want to fight an ongoing war for the rest of your life, or do you want to give your children a chance to grow up in a world where they don't have to kill to survive?" I raised my chin. "You have a choice in this. You can come with me, fight with the vampires, and stop Conall. Or you can stand back and watch him ruin the world."
"I'm going with Nina," Irene said, walking over to my side. "She's right. I don't want to fight a war forever. If the vampires are willing to give us peace, I think we should take it. I want a normal life for once. Don't you?"
I let out a sigh of relief. Because just as I'd thought would happen, when one person broke through, the flood would run free. More and more wolves stepped forward and voiced their agreement, until there were just a few left on the other side of the hall, glaring at their brethren.
"Fight your war, then," I said. "But we'll broker this peace without you."
The five of them glared at me and stalked out of the hall. I let out a shaky breath. Well, that had gone better than I'd expected, honestly.
"Now, where's Conall?" I asked.
Several of them froze.
"You mean, you don't know? I thought when you were rounding all of us up, you were trying to keep away from him. He isn't in his office?" Irene asked.
"No…he threw me in the pit and left me there. I checked the compound after I rounded everyone up, and there wasn't a soul here that wasn't in the room."
"Oh, shit."
We didn't know where he was, but I knew he was preparing for war.
It didn't take long to lead them to the vampires’ castle once we figured out that Conall was long gone and the only thing left to do was prepare for the battle he was going to bring to us. I could feel the tension in the large group of them—they were on edge, but I'd promised them that if they could just trust me, we had a real opportunity to build a better world together. Everything was going to be okay.
I hoped. I hadn't exactly cleared this with Gray or any of the actual vampires before I'd done this. But I saw no reason Gray would let the mages go free and not be willing to talk peace with the wolves. He had to be open to this, right?
When we came into view of the castle, all was well for about a minute.
And then the next thing I knew, five vampires were suddenly in front of me, fangs bared and hissing at the wolves behind me.
"Tyler!" I said sharply, my hands raised out in front of me in a defensive gesture. "Calm down."
The head guard pulled back as if just now realizing I was part of the group and signaled to the men on either side of him to halt.
"My lady, what are you doing with these wolves?" His displeasure was barely contained, but I was grateful that at least he had halted his attack. What he had thought to do with five vampires against so many wolves, I didn't know. But the man's courage could not be doubted.
"These people are my friends and have come to give you aid," I said, my tone carrying a note of warning in it. "You will treat them with the same respect that you would me and my family. We have a war coming to our doorstep. The hybrids will attack soon—thank goodness they haven't already, I see—and we will need all the help that we can get."
Tyler didn't seem happy about this, but he didn't say anything in argument, at least.
"Tyler." I softened my voice this time. "You had the kindness in your heart to see my people for who they really were and to set aside your differences. Ho
w is this any different? The wolves come in peace. It’s one step closer to a united world, one without fear of pain and war. I know it is difficult for you, but try and think logically about this."
He bowed his head. "My lady speaks with wisdom beyond her years. I apologize for my hasty actions. If you say that they mean us no harm, than I will trust in your words. But I cannot allow them inside the inner walls of the castle. It would incite mass hysteria, at least until you can bring the subject before the people en masse."
I looked over my shoulder at Irene, who had become something of a leader in Conall's absence, since she had been the first to stand at my side.
"Tyler makes a valid point. While we have spoken in casual terms of peace, you have not yet sat down with the king and brokered that peace. I do not wish to have your presence cause an alarm that could lead to unnecessary combat. Will you remain out here while I warn the vampires? The fight will take place out here, regardless. We cannot allow it to proceed inside the castle; the chaos would quickly overwhelm us."
Irene inclined her head. "I see no reason why we should need to go inside the castle, in such close quarters with the vampires, as of yet. I understand that things are still tense and that we have a ways to go before we can find the peace you have spoken of."
"Thank you," I said. "I'll be back shortly."
She nodded to me, and I turned and walked farther on to the castle. Behind me, I could hear Tyler speaking with Irene, their voices fading behind me as they spoke of preparations for the battle that would soon be upon us.
Gray was, miraculously, waiting just inside the entry hall, near the foot of the grand staircase.
"Varina, I admit, you were away longer than I would have thought," he said as he walked to meet me in the middle of the hall, but there was a gentle smile on his face.
"And yet I returned much faster than I might have, if I hadn't had aid," I said, my face grim. "We have a problem, Gray. I found out who was creating the hybrids—Conall, who was leading the wolves up until just a few minutes ago, when I told them what he was doing. They're here to help. And, all things considered, I'm trusting you to keep the peace with them while they're doing so."
His face was stern, but he nodded immediately. "Peace with the wolves was the next thing I was going to address, but I can see it is coming to me sooner than expected. We will have to make do with what little time we have, then, to acclimate our people to their presence."
I smirked. "Somehow, I think fighting on the same side of a war is going to do both sides much good in coming together in the long term. Who would have thought to see the day vampires and wolves joined forces?"
"You have a point," he said, smiling sadly. "How long do we have?"
"Not long, I don't think. Conall…locked me up an hour ago, after I confronted him. I didn't want to think he was capable of something like this, but I realize I should have said something to you before I went to meet with him."
His eyes widened, and he immediately reached out and gathered me close to him. "You mean to tell me you went to him alone? You put yourself in danger? I should have been at your side."
For a moment, I allowed myself to take comfort in his arms, and then I pulled back.
"It had to be done. I had to know for certain, and he wouldn't have admitted it if you were there, I'm sure. It would have only made the situation worse. He's coming to kill you, Gray. He's coming to kill all of you."
"But he underestimated you and your strength. You did not allow him to keep you away. You gave the wolves the knowledge they needed to make the right choice, and in doing so you've created an army that can stand against the hybrids he'll bring against us. Do not fear, varina. He will not win. He will not separate us, not ever again. I will not lose you, not now that I've only just gotten you back."
"You have," I whispered. "I didn't get to tell you, and when he locked me away, I thought I wasn't ever going to get the chance, but—"
"Gray! Nina!" Alex shouted, running up to us, already out of breath. "They're here. The hybrids are attacking."
History was forming all around me, and though I was in the thick of things, I still could not help but marvel at the sight of it taking place. The fight around me was brutal, bloody, but we were holding our own. There hadn't been time to give the vampires warning of the wolves being here, and yet they had fallen into line beside them seamlessly, fighting side by side as if that was what they'd been born to do.
And why not? No matter who we worshipped, was it so crazy to think we had all been created by the same being, to be brothers and sisters and help one another?
What was even more beautiful to me, though, was the grace that my people demonstrated. The blood mages were on the sidelines, keeping close to the castle walls so as to stay away from the fight, but they were intently focused on the fight in front of them, healing both the vampires and wolves as they fought.
It was a perfect picture of all the species coming together for a just cause, and it gave me hope that things could be better even after this battle was said and done.
But I needed to turn my mind from my hopes and dreams and concentrate on what was happening around me. Against Gray's wishes, I had joined the fight, thrusting myself into the very center of it, refusing to stay away.
How could I? I remembered all too well the way the vampires had come so close to annihilation the last time the hybrids had attacked, until I had come upon them and managed to subdue the hybrids so that the vampires could take care of them.
That was what I was doing now, deftly dodging from side to side to keep out of the way of the hybrids, my lips in constant motion as I switched from chant to chant, my magic leaping from one hybrid to the next as I subdued one and brought down another. Doing everything I could to help my people.
All of my people. I had brought the three of our kinds together, and that made them all mine, in my eyes.
The distracting thought was almost my undoing. An arm wrapped around my midsection and yanked me backward, away from the fight. I struggled against it, but it was too strong. Panic rose inside of me, but I didn't scream.
I feared drawing Gray's attention, even as I was being attacked. I couldn't distract him in a battle like this. He needed to pay attention to the fight. He needed to take care of himself.
And then I felt the brush of another mind against my own, but it wasn't antagonistic. It was almost like someone knocking on a door, asking permission to be let in.
Still, I was being dragged backward, until I was on the other side of the battle from the castle, and only then did my assailant stop. Warily, I let my mental shields drop a little, knowing that it was either that or meet the fate whoever had taken hold of me would deal out.
It's me, the hybrid you saved.
"Evan?" I asked aloud, knowing that he could understand me from our interaction before.
I felt his surprise in my mind.
You know my name?
"You came up in my conversation with Conall," I said wryly. "What are you doing?"
Trying to stop this bloodbath. I'm fighting the call as best I can, but I don't know how much longer I can hold out against him. There are a few of us left who can think, but the others…they're still my brothers. It hurts me to watch them die. But I wanted to ask you a favor. Maybe…maybe you can do something.
"What can I do?" I felt miserable at the mention of what the hybrids had been before they'd lost their minds. It was a horrible situation to be in—none of them had asked for this fight, but it wasn't as if I could lock all of them up.
Try to reach them. You're the only one that could get into their minds like Conall has. He sired us, like the vampires do each other, so he has a hold on us. But you might be able to break it, to free them from the fight. If you could do that, all of this wouldn't be necessary.
"It's…it might be possible. I don't want to give you too much hope, Evan. I'm not sure if I can do what you're asking, but I'll try."
I was ashamed
I hadn't thought of it myself, but I didn't know how possible it was. I didn't even know what a sire bond was. Evan seemed to know more about it than I did—well, of course he did, since I hadn't even known it was a thing. But it made sense; Conall wasn't a mage, he had to have some other tie that was allowing him to control them.
If I didn't know how it worked, though, how could I undo it?
All I ask is that you try.
"Bring one of them to me, here away from the fight. I'll give it a shot."
He grunted, releasing his hold on me, and plunged back into the fray. I bit the inside of my cheek, anxious as I watched him. What if one of the vampires or wolves attacked him? He wasn't trying to fight them, he was trying to stop this, but they had no way of knowing that.
My fears proved unfounded, though, because he returned a moment later, a rabid hybrid in tow. He was barely restraining it, and when he stopped in front of me, he had his massive arms wrapped under the shoulders of the other hybrid, his clawed hands at the back of the hybrid's neck, holding him in place so that he couldn't get to me, though he was snarling and snapping at me, clearly lusting for my blood.
I took a deep breath and reached out with my magic. It tried to slip away from the hybrid, but I pushed forward, forcing it to take hold. It was faster this time; I'd gotten a lot more practice in the battle just now, and I was getting better at latching on without contact.
Going into another person's mind is no easy thing, and I instinctively recoiled from touching the mind of one turned to madness like this creature was. But I had promised Evan, and I intended to live up to that promise.
Inside the hybrid was a pain and confusion unlike any I'd ever seen before, and my heart ached at the feel of it. For a moment, I was caught up in the pain he was feeling, and I had to fight to hold onto my own mind.
After that, though, I was able to see something I hadn't expected. I didn't know what the sire bond would look like, so I didn't know how to find it, but this was certainly something else altogether. It was as if I could see the bestial side of the wolf warring with the vampire blood inside of him, the two natures fighting for dominance, inducing the rage that controlled him.