Blood Queen (Ruled by Blood Book 3) Page 17
“Please, I just…” She felt hopeless. If she wasn’t granted entry into the Draiin’s world, she was—
No, she wouldn’t believe that the worst would happen. There had to be some hope left in the world. “I really need to get there.”
Apparently, unlike Torvax, the universe was listening.
“There is a way for you to enter Draiocht,” a deep, masculine voice said behind her.
It sent tingles up and down her spine, and for a moment, she couldn’t catch her breath.
Hesitantly she turned to look at the owner of the voice. She’d thought it had been hard to breathe before; now it was impossible.
The man was over six foot six, and he had more muscle than any man had a right to. And yet, somehow, it looked right on him. He didn’t have the physique of one of those gross body builders, but rather the muscle definition of a man used to hard work, who could defend his home with his life if necessary.
His eyes were a pure amber, and there was a real danger she’d drown in them. His hair was short and black, and his skin looked like it had been kissed by a sun god.
No man on Earth had ever affected her like this, which set off every warning bell in her body. There was nothing more lethal than a man who could make you forget yourself. Her heart pounded, and though her breathing had returned, it came out in little, shallow swallows. All she could do was stare at him. She felt compelled to step closer, to touch him, to—
What in the world!
The sharp thought brought her back to Earth, so to speak. She jumped back a step as if she’d suddenly found herself face to face with a tiger.
“Huh?” She vaguely recalled he’d said something before, but she couldn’t remember what.
He grinned, a lazy smile that did funny things to her insides, but his eyes were at odds with the easygoing smile. They burned and threatened that he would devour her. “I said, there’s a way for you to enter Draiocht.”
“Oh!” She tried to smile, but she was too distracted by the mixture of fear and attraction the Draiin male elicited inside of her to really get one to work. “What way would that be?”
She didn’t particularly care if her only ticket to Draiocht was as the maid who scrubbed the worst toilets in that world. She needed to get there and was willing to do whatever it took.
“The mate of a Draiin is welcome to enter our world, no matter what.”
Her heart stopped. When it came back to life, it slammed hard against her rib cage. Her eyes went wide and her mouth dry. She wet her lips, but it did no good.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t think I heard you right,” she said, her voice shaky. “It sounded like you were talking about a Draiin’s mate, but surely that can’t be right. I’m human, so I can’t be your mate. We don’t have mates. That’s kind of superstitious nonsense to us. No offense! I mean, I know you all have mates, but it just…isn’t how we do things.” Her cheeks burned in mortification at her nonsensical rambling.
He was the first to offer her a way over, and here she was not only insulting his way of life but going on and on when he probably just wanted her to shut up.
She was always bad in awkward situations.
He arched one eyebrow, amusement dancing like flames in his eyes.
“I take no offense, my lady,” he said, his voice low and husky. “But being one of our mates is the only way a human can enter our world.”
She felt her insides flip just at the sound of his voice. He could have been talking about anything, even the most boring topic in the universe, but with that voice it would sound like the dirtiest bedroom talk.
“My lord Riordan, surely you cannot mean…” Torvax cleared his throat, looking shocked. “No human has ever been claimed.”
“Just because it hasn’t happened before doesn’t mean it can’t,” Riordan said.
Quinn’s eyes went wide, and panic seized her heart.
“Um, no, you can’t be…” She gulped in a breath of much needed air, but it was hard to steady her breathing. “I’m not your mate.”
Riordan frowned. “Why would you think not?”
“Because…” She searched her mind for a reason, but it came up blank. She couldn’t think with him present. “He just said it has never happened before, so…” She pointed weakly at Torvax, but it didn’t seem to dissuade the man who wanted to claim her.
“There is no question in my soul; you are my mate. You wanted to enter Draiocht, did you not? You are welcome to come with me.”
“Not as anyone’s mate! I’m not…” She swallowed sharply. “Not looking for a relationship. And you…” Another swallow. “Well, you aren’t my type.” She couldn’t meet his eyes.
Not just because she was embarrassed, but because if she kept looking at his eyes, she was in very real danger of losing all her reasons for protesting. Every time she looked at him, her heart sped up, and her body urged her to move forward and be close him.
She didn’t understand how her body could be so traitorous.
Before Riordan could respond, she turned back to Torvax. “Surely there has to be some other way for me to get there. It’s dangerous for me to stay on Earth. Please, there has to be something you can do,” she pleaded.
“I’m sorry, ma’am, but—“
His words were cut off by a rumbling growl suddenly filling the room. Everyone else in the center fell quiet.
Quinn froze, her heart slamming against her ribs.
Be as still as possible and don’t attract attention. Oh please, don’t hurt me. Don’t hit me. I’m sorry, I didn’t do it, whatever it is…
She gulped for air, tears burning at her eyes again.
“You are in danger?”
It took her a minute, but Riordan’s voice registered in her ears. She realized the growling had abated. Had it been coming from him? But why?
She turned, hesitant, and kept her gaze on the floor.
“I…yes,” she whispered.
He was silent for so long that she raised her eyes to look at him. The pained expression on his face took her breath away for a moment.
“I am sorry if I gave you reason to fear me,” he said, grimacing. “The idea of you in danger…” He shook his head and took a steadying breath. “Please, raes torva, you are welcome in my heart and home. If you are in danger, I beg you to allow me to protect you.”
“That’s very kind of you, but…” She wet her lips, trying for a smile, but her lips didn’t seem to want to move quite right and made the smile weak at best.
What does he really want?
Whatever it was, it couldn’t be good. A supernaturally attractive man proclaiming his love and begging to protect her? No way in hell. It was too good to be true.
Her life had taught her at least one thing: gilded words held a promise of pain.
“I can’t possibly accept,” she said, trying to set him at ease and hoping her rejection wouldn’t set him off.
Have to be careful. Can’t say the wrong thing. Please, don’t be mad.
He frowned. “Why ever not?”
“Well, I mean…” Her eyes darted left and right as she tried to come up with something—anything—that could stop this. “It wouldn’t be fair to you. There has to be some sort of misunderstanding. I can’t possibly be your mate.”
She’d thought that would appease him—flattery had almost always worked on James—but it only seemed to further confuse him.
“Why would you doubt it?” He asked.
He doesn’t seem angry, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t!
She tried again. “Well, you’re you…” She gestured at him. “And I’m me.”
The words were very matter of fact, but she hadn’t anticipated the old feelings they would bring to the surface or the memories.
“What the fuck are you wearing?” James asked, then barked out a harsh laugh.
“I…I thought you’d like it,” she whispered, but now her hands came up to cover herself and hide the lingerie she’d picked out for him.
r /> “You thought I’d want to see your ugly, fat body? I don’t even want the damn lights on when I fuck you. God, you’re so pathetic.”
His words echoed in her head, a constant reminder she wasn’t good enough. Not for James, and certainly not for this ungodly attractive man. No man could ever really want her, not unless he had some ulterior motive.
Even then…wanting something from her wouldn’t be enough.
“I fail to comprehend,” he said, his words cutting through her thoughts and bringing her back to reality. “You are beautiful beyond words.” Beautiful might be the word he used, but the hunger in his eyes spoke of much less elegant ones.
Pretty words form cages. She had to remember that.
“That’s very nice of you to say,” she said stiffly. “But I’m sorry, I can’t possibly be your mate. You’ve got the wrong girl.”
“If you fear I would harm you, please rest easy.” He looked genuinely upset at the idea that I feared him. “To hurt you would be to carve off my own arm. No, much worse. I would sooner die. If it will set your mind at ease, I vow never to touch you unless you ask. You have nothing to fear with me. All I want is to protect you from what has driven you here. My life for your life. May all of my blood be spilled before a drop of your own has fallen.”
His words were beautiful, and the look in his eyes said he meant every one of them, but hadn’t she heard the same before? James always had such nice things to say, especially after…But what choice did she have?
It was either the danger she knew or the one she didn’t.
Nothing says I have to stay with him after I get there. He can get me into Draiocht, and then I can disappear.
“Well…” She bit her lip. Even though she’d just made up her mind, it was still hard to get the words out. “All right. But you had better not get any ideas about me being your mate. I told you. I’m not looking for a relationship.”
He inclined his head, a roguish smile on his lips. “As you wish.”
Her stomach flip flopped again.
The way her body reacted to his… If she didn’t get herself under control, this would turn very dangerous, very fast.
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Also by Izzy Shows
The Codex Blair Series
Grave Mistake
Blood Hunt
The Fallen’s Crime
Dark Descent
Wild Game
Grim Fate
High Stakes
Samhain Resurrected
The Fallen Hunter
Tainted Light
Codex Blair Omnibus 1: Books 1-3
Ruled by Blood
Blood Captive: Origin
Blood Huntress
Blood Slave
Blood Queen
Space Mage
About the Author
Izzy Shows writes urban fantasy novels for adults, and much more in her spare time. She’s also an avid LARPer and enjoys storytelling in all art forms. She can be a little cooky, and really enjoys talking about her works, writing in general, or all things fantasy. To learn more about her you can follow her on twitter or check out her website.
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