Blood Queen (Ruled by Blood Book 3) Page 5
I stiffened in his arms and tried to pull away, but he only held me tighter.
"You mean, the woman you proposed to…"
"No, little one, don't even think such a thing," he murmured, brushing a kiss across my temple. "She was not my mate."
"Oh," I said, relief pouring through me. I hated the idea of someone else belonging to him in the way that I wanted to. "Well, okay then. But wait a second, why aren't you mad at me?"
"Mad at you?" He snorted. "Why would I be mad at you?"
"I killed a vampire before I left. That was why I left; I knew that after doing that, I couldn't stay here. And I was right. The Council is trying to kill me."
A low growl built in his throat. "They're what?"
"We're getting off subject," I said hastily. I didn't want to upset him any more than he already was. "Why aren't you mad at me?"
"Oh, that," he said, rolling his massive shoulders in a shrug. "I had my own investigation conducted into the matter, and the other thralls—who were very fond of you, I might add—turned on the one that came to us with the news of the man's death. You were set up. I can't possibly hold that against you. I only wish that you had come to me first, that I might have done something about it."
I chose to hold my tongue on that part—I still didn't think there was anything he could have done, but it would have only hurt him to hear me say that.
"Thank you for believing in me," I said instead.
"Oh, little one." He pressed a kiss to my hair. "I am beyond doubting you now. I am so sorry for all that I put you through."
"I'm fine," I protested. "Look at me. I'm here, I'm in one piece. Everything's okay."
That growl built in his throat again until he managed to take control of himself.
"No, everything is not okay, but it will be. I had intended to live out the sentence of pain and death I had earned for betraying you in such a way as I did, but with you here, in my arms…I cannot deny that all I want is to keep you here forever. I will do whatever it takes to make things right between us—I have already broken my engagement. The woman has been returned to her home."
I jerked, shocked, and stared up at him. There were no words that came to mind to say to that.
He'd really done that? But he hadn't even known that I would come to see him at all, let alone come back to him as he wanted me to. Why would he have given up the safety and security that having a mate the Council approved of offered him?
He continued, though.
"Before the day came, Alex spoke to me about his interaction with you. He shouldn't have said anything. I was meant to endure the pain of having lost you, and his words have brought you back to me…I should be angry with him, but I cannot bring myself to be so now that you are in my arms again. He told me what you said, and I will do whatever is necessary to win you back. It's high time I put the Council in their place—I should have done it ages ago, but this…this is the nail in the coffin, so to speak."
"I…I don't know what to say to any of that," I said, too amazed at all that he had said.
He was really going to face down the Council? But they had been so imposing, so terrifying, for every moment that I had lived in the castle. I couldn't imagine him bringing them to heel, but I'd also never seen him so determined before.
He looked down at me with a crooked smile.
"Isn't it obvious? Say you'll give me a second chance if I can prove to you that I am worthy of it."
"Yes," I whispered, looking down so that he couldn't see the emotion in my eyes. "If you can do what you say, I think…I think we could…"
He didn't wait for me to finish the sentence, instead claiming my mouth in a hungry kiss. He kissed me like a starving man that had finally found the promised land, putting into actions what couldn't be said in words.
I moaned into his mouth, opening for him and giving him the access he clearly sought. His tongue invaded, thrusting past my lips and tangling with mine. God, but he tasted of cinnamon and whisky, so addicting that I couldn't ever get enough of him. My hands roamed across his chest, drinking in the feel of him at the same time as I allowed myself to taste as much as I wanted, giving as good as I got with his kiss.
He broke away after several minutes, a hungry growl in his throat, and my chest heaved as I panted for air.
"You're wearing too many clothes," he growled.
"You should fix that, then," I said, unable to help myself, not knowing where this impish side of me had come from.
When we'd been together before, there had been no room for thought; everything had been a desperate burst of need. Somehow, speaking so openly this time, though, had allowed me to actually think about what we were doing, what was happening.
But still, I needed him desperately. It had been more than a month since I'd last tasted his lips, felt his hands on my body, and I needed him more than words could say.
He needed no more encouragement than that, though. He tugged my black silk shirt off with ease, baring my breasts to the air. I shivered and automatically moved to cover my breasts, embarrassment creeping up at the thought of him seeing me so exposed. We'd never done this before, been so…so open with one another.
"Don't hide from me," he said, his voice husky. "You're beautiful. Let me see you, please."
"All right…" Slowly, I moved my hands away, my whole body trembling.
"Gods above." His voice was hoarse as he stared at me. "No man is deserving of such beauty."
I wanted to correct him—I wasn't anything special to look at. My breasts were small, my body too muscular, but before I could say anything at all, he pulled me closer to him so that I straddled his lap, and he captured one breast with his hand. His thumb circled my nipple lazily, and I gasped at the sensation.
"So damn beautiful," he said, staring deep into my eyes.
I blushed, then moaned as he thumbed my nipple again, my eyes closing at the pleasure he evoked.
"No, Nina." His voice was rough when he spoke. "Look at me. I want you to look at me while I touch you. I want you to know who makes you feel this way, who your body belongs to."
I whimpered as I opened my eyes again, my lips parting to drag in a desperate breath of air. I couldn't speak, because he took my other breast with his other hand, teasing my nipples into hard little points.
"Gray, please," I begged, but I didn't know what I was begging for. All I knew was that I didn't want this to stop, didn't want this to ever stop.
He seemed to know what I needed, though. He ducked his head, taking as much of one breast into his mouth as he could. I felt his fangs bracket my nipple on either side, and a little thrill passed through me at the reminder of what he was, of the illicit nature of what we were doing. He sucked hard on my nipple, and it was as if there were some kind of path that ran straight from my nipple to the core of pleasure between my legs, because with every tug of my nipple, a bolt of energy traversed that path.
My hands tangled in his hair, pulling him close.
"Oh, god, don't stop," I said, shameless. "Don't ever stop."
He made an approving sound as he switched from one breast to the other, teasing me until I thought I would become delirious from all the pleasure he was giving me.
I could die like this, and be happy.
As he teased my breasts, his hands roamed up and down my thighs, tantalizingly close to where I needed him to be, and yet he wouldn't touch me there. I whimpered as his hands came up close again, and he pulled away from my breast, drawing a sharp protest from me.
"Why?" I gasped, panting for air.
"What do you need, little one?" he asked, his eyes half lidded with lust, but he smiled at me as if he had all the time in the world. "Ask me for what you want."
"I don't know," I whispered. "I don't…I don't know anything about any of this."
He leaned forward and captured my lips in a kiss for a long moment.
"Are you wet for me, varina?" he murmured against my lips.
"I don't know," I said again, blushing. But his words, dirty and forbidden, only served to thrill me even more.
"Why don't we find out? Can you do that for me, varina? Can you take off your pants and bare that sweet little pussy for me?"
I whimpered, both wanting to do just that and terrified of it. "Gray…"
He kissed me again. "Nothing more than what you want, I promise. It's all up to you."
That reassured me somewhat. This, all of this, was all new to me. I'd never been with another man, I didn't know the first thing about what we were doing, and it was more than a little terrifying. But at the same time, I wanted the sensations he was evoking in me, wanted them and so much more.
I rose up onto my knees, hooking my thumbs into the waistband of the tight leather pants, and pulled them down. I leaned forward and balanced one hand against his shoulder, and he helped me get them the rest of the way off.
Now all I wore was the scrap of black fabric that was my underwear—and when I looked down, I saw that he was right. It was thoroughly soaked.
I started to pull back, but he wrapped one arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, so that we were chest to chest. Part of me was embarrassed and afraid, wanted to hide myself, but a larger part of me thrilled at what we were doing, and instead I relaxed against him, coming back down to straddle him again.
Without my pants in the way, I could feel the hard length of him pressing against my core now, and the sudden contact brought a surge of heat to my loins and a moan to my lips. He groaned at the same time, his hips rolling up as if of their own accord to press against me again.
"Gods, you're so hot," he murmured. "So hot and wet for me."
His hands stroked up and down my back now, petting me—comforting me so that I would relax more into what was happening. He knew that I was nervous, and I felt my heart contract at how gentle he was being, taking his time with me so that I would be more at ease.
He leaned down and kissed me again, his fingers plucking at my nipples at the same time, and all thoughts of nerves flew from my mind. There was only room in my head for the sensations he brought forth, for the pleasure that sparked at his touch and shot straight down to my clit.
"Please," I whimpered against his lips, and again I didn't know what I was asking for. All I knew was that I needed more.
But again, he knew. One hand abandoned my breast and stroked along my bare thigh. I shivered, a rush of anxiety filling me again, but he didn't move to take more, he just kept trailing his fingers up and down my thigh.
"What do you need, varina?" he murmured. "Ask me."
I shook my head, a frustrated sound escaping me.
"I want you to ask me. Do you want me to pet your hot little pussy? Say it. Say, 'Gray, I want you to pet my pussy.'"
My cheeks burned, and I couldn't tell if I was going to die of embarrassment or if I wanted him to keep talking like that.
"Gray, I…I want you to…to pet my pussy," I whispered, closing my eyes and blushing again.
"No, don't close your eyes," he said. "Look at me while I touch you."
I opened my eyes again, and he smiled at me right before he moved his hand and cupped me. I moaned, even though he wasn't doing anything more than just holding me, my underwear still standing between us. For a moment, that's all he did, until I made a frustrated sound, and then he smirked at me.
He raised one finger slightly, parting my lips through the cloth, and started to stroke back and forth. I tilted my head back, letting out a low moan, my hips jerking against his hand.
"Oh my god, oh my god." It was all I could say, all I could think.
I'd never felt anything so good in my life, never thought anything could feel like this. His growl was approving, and he bent his head and captured my breast with his lips again.
I let the sensations swamp me, taking hold of my mind and driving out any rational thought.
Oh, there was one thought. But what more?
And then I realized what I wanted.
"Gray," I said, panting. "I need…"
He lifted his head. "What do you need, baby?"
"Bite me."
Forbidden words, a request no sane woman would ever make of a vampire. His eyes darkened, and I watched as his fangs lengthened. That should have scared me, but all it did was drive my pleasure higher.
God, I wanted him to bite me. It felt so good when he did, and I knew it was what I needed. Because his hand between my legs and his tongue on my breast were pushing me toward a cliff I knew I wanted to jump off of, even if I didn't know what was on the other side, and I just knew his fangs in my throat would push me there.
"Bite me," I said again. "Please."
He growled, apparently unable to speak. He wrapped his free hand around the back of my neck and pulled me closer to him. Excitement coursed through me as I bared my neck to him, expecting him to drive his fangs inside of me at once. But he didn't. Instead he nuzzled at my neck, then his tongue darted out and brushed lightly across my skin.
I moaned, pressing closer to him.
"Please, Gray, bite me!"
At once he did as I requested, his fangs sinking deep into my skin. There was a sharp shock of pain, and then the pleasure poured through me as he drank my life's blood. His hand moved more urgently between my thighs, and that, combined with the surge of pleasure from his bite, pushed me right where I needed to go.
I screamed. The feelings were so overwhelming I couldn't possibly hold back the sound. I clung to him, unable to think or move or speak, as the pleasure rode through me. Stars burst before my eyes, and I swore for a moment I saw the universe in all its glory.
I came back to myself what felt like an eternity later, being cradled against Gray's chest. All I could do was draw in a ragged breath of air and press closer to him.
"You're so beautiful when you come," he said softly, kissing my hair. "I knew you would be."
I blushed, suddenly shy. Who was the girl that had behaved so wantonly for him? It couldn't possibly have been me. I'd never…the things we'd done…
"Thank you," I said at last, not knowing what else to say. I'd never expected to feel anything like that, and yet a small part of me knew that only he could give that to me, only he could bring me so much pleasure.
"It was my pleasure," he said, his voice a deep rumble against my cheek. "I could watch you come over and over again and never have enough of it."
"But…you didn't…"
His shoulders rolled in a shrug. "That's not what this was about."
I tilted my head to look up at him. "What?"
"I wanted to bring you pleasure, varina, to show you what's between us."
I blushed. "That's never happened to me before."
"Good. I don't want anyone else touching you like that."
"No…no, I don't either," I said. The idea of someone else's hands on me like that was repulsive. I only wanted Gray to touch me, to make me feel like that.
He bent his head and captured my lips in another kiss, softer this time, more leisurely, and yet it still left me breathless.
"Gray…" I said weakly.
"Yes?" he murmured. "What is it?"
"I shouldn't…we shouldn't have…this was dangerous."
"No, this was right."
I shook my head, pulling away from him. "It felt that way, but things aren't settled between us. I shouldn't have done that. I should…I should go, before things get out of control again."
"Don't go." He looked a little panicked. "Please don't go again."
"Gray, I can't stay here."
"I love you," he said simply, shrugging. He sounded almost defeated. "I love you, ma shis. I know what you are now, and I can't lose you."
"What? What does that mean, 'ma shis'? And what do you mean, you know what I am?"
I couldn't acknowledge what else he'd said, because it set my heart to beating so quickly that I didn't know what to do with myself.
"My mate." He looked down, and I got the sense that he was afraid. "I didn't want to admit it to myself before. I know it defies all reason that my mate isn't a vampire, but I know that's who you are. You're my other half, Nina. I need you, and you need me, even if you don't want to admit it. I understand, even if you don't." He took a deep, shuddering breath. "I know I'm not what you probably wanted."
I made a small noise, reaching up to touch his cheek. "Don't say such things about yourself."
He turned and pressed a kiss into the palm of my hand. "Stay with me. You're my mate. Your place is at my side."
"I love you, Grayson," I said, swallowing a lump in my throat. "I do, and I'm sorry I couldn't say it before. But I can't stay here."
Finally he looked up at me again, and I saw the pain in his eyes.
"I found my people, a place where I belong. They accept me for who I am. They don't judge me. I'm welcome with them, and I've never had that before. Your people, the vampires, they'll never accept me. The Council is trying to hunt me even as we speak, so how do you think they'd react to you announcing me as your mate? I don't belong here."
"That's not true," he said, frowning. "Do you know how many of the court miss you? You made a huge impact on things when you were here. The way you spoke your mind without trying to hide behind subtle words and political maneuvering, it endeared you to my people. They like you here. I'm not the only one who wants you back. And the Council…" He broke off with a low growl. "They are my problem to handle. I had no idea what they were doing. I allowed them to run about unchecked because I was too busy feeling sorry for myself. They will be stopped, and they will not have a say in who is my mate."
I blinked, surprised. "I…I didn't know anyone here liked me."
"They do. It's been a month, and people are still talking about how much they miss you."
"Still," I said, frowning. "That doesn't change the fact that you have my people in chains. I can't possibly live here with that going on."